Cyber Security

A view of the T2 2021 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts Despite threats seemingly looming around every corner (I’m looking at you, Delta), the past four months were the time of summer vacations for many of us located in the northern hemisphere,
What your organization should consider when it comes to choosing a VPN solution and hardening it against attacks The NSA and CISA have released joint guidance to help organizations select their Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution and hardening it against compromise. Vulnerable VPN servers are attractive targets for threat actors, as they provide great opportunities
Yet another APT group that exploited the ProxyLogon vulnerability in March 2021 ESET researchers have uncovered a new cyberespionage group targeting hotels, governments, and private companies worldwide. We have named this group FamousSparrow and we believe it has been active since at least 2019. Reviewing telemetry data during our investigation, we realized that FamousSparrow leveraged
While Apple did issue a patch for the vulnerability, it seems that the fix can be easily circumvented Researchers have uncovered a flaw in Apple’s macOS Finder system that could allow remote threat actors to dupe unsuspecting users into running arbitrary commands on their devices. The security loophole affects all versions of the macOS Big
Misconfigurations of cloud resources can lead to various security incidents and ultimately cost your organization dearly. Here’s what you can do to prevent cloud configuration conundrums. Forget shadowy attackers deploying bespoke zero-day exploits from afar. A risk that is far more real for organizations as they embark on ambitious digital transformation projects is human error.
Analysis of Numando banking trojan, steps to mitigate attack surface, and more! – Week in security with Tony Anscombe In this edition of Week in security, Tony looks at these topics: ESET Research continues its series on Latin American banking trojans, this time dissecting Numando, which targets mainly Brazil and rarely Mexico and Spain. An
The (probably) penultimate post in our occasional series demystifying Latin American banking trojans. Before concluding our series, there is one more LATAM banking trojan that deserves a closer look – Numando. The threat actor behind this malware family has been active since at least 2018. Even though it is not nearly as lively as Mekotio
Discover the best ways to mitigate your organization’s attack surface, in order to maximize cybersecurity. In almost all coverage of modern breaches you’ll hear mention of the “cyberattack surface” or something similar. It’s central to understanding how attacks work and where organizations are most exposed. During the pandemic the attack surface has grown arguably further
The most recent Patch Tuesday includes a fix for the previously disclosed and actively exploited remote code execution flaw in MSHTML. The arrival of the second Tuesday of the month can only mean one thing in cybersecurity terms, Microsoft is rolling out patches for security vulnerabilities in Windows and its other offerings. This time round Microsoft’s
ESET researchers have investigated a targeted mobile espionage campaign against the Kurdish ethnic group, and that has been active since at least March 2020. ESET researchers have investigated a targeted mobile espionage campaign against the Kurdish ethnic group. This campaign has been active since at least March 2020, distributing (via dedicated Facebook profiles) two Android
Les chercheurs d’ESET expliquent les détails d’une faille découverte dans VaxiCode Vérif, l’application mobile permettant la vérification des preuves vaccinales québécoise La sortie d’applications mobiles permettant le stockage et la vérification du passeport vaccinal par le gouvernement du Québec (VaxiCode et VaxiCode Vérif) a fait couler beaucoup d’encre la semaine dernière. C’est avec raison; l’application
Smartphones are kids’ trusty companions both in- and outside the classroom, and as they return to their desks, we’ve prepared some handy tips on how to keep their devices secure. While in some parts of the world kids have already returned to their classrooms, in virtual form or in person, in others they are just gearing
The federal agency urges organizations to ditch the bad practice and instead use multi-factor authentication methods The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added the use of single-factor authentication to its brief list of bad practices that it considers to be exceptionally risky when it comes to cybersecurity. “Single-factor authentication is a common low-security
ESET’s cybersecurity expert Marc-Étienne Léveillé analyses in-depth the Quebec’s vaccine proof apps VaxiCode and VaxiCode Verif. The launch of the mobile applications allowing the storage and verification of the vaccination passport by the Quebec government (VaxiCode and VaxiCode Verif) has caused a lot of ink to flow last week. It is with good reason; the
It might be tempting to blame the record-high costs of data breaches on the COVID-19 pandemic alone. But dig deeper and a more nuanced picture emerges. Any narrative about cybersecurity in 2020 is naturally going to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. This once-in-a-generation crisis and the digital transformation it accelerated both broadened corporate attack surfaces
Meet SparklingGoblin, a member of the Winnti family ESET researchers have recently discovered a new undocumented modular backdoor, SideWalk, being used by an APT group we’ve named SparklingGoblin; this backdoor was used during one of SparklingGoblin’s recent campaigns that targeted a computer retail company based in the USA. This backdoor shares multiple similarities with another
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure – here’s why you should think twice about what you toss in the recycling bin Are you a serial shredder or do you tend not to bother thinking about what personal data is thrown in the waste? Have you ever thought what a cybercriminal could do after simply