
Jun 24, 2024NewsroomArtificial Intelligence / Cloud Security Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a now-patch security flaw affecting the Ollama open-source artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure platform that could be exploited to achieve remote code execution. Tracked as CVE-2024-37032, the vulnerability has been codenamed Probllama by cloud security firm Wiz. Following responsible disclosure on May 5, 2024, the
Jun 22, 2024NewsroomPhishing Attack / Adware A new campaign is tricking users searching for the Meta Quest (formerly Oculus) application for Windows into downloading a new adware family called AdsExhaust. “The adware is capable of exfiltrating screenshots from infected devices and interacting with browsers using simulated keystrokes,” cybersecurity firm eSentire said in an analysis, adding
Jun 22, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence Russian organizations have been targeted by a cybercrime gang called ExCobalt using a previously unknown Golang-based backdoor known as GoRed. “ExCobalt focuses on cyber espionage and includes several members active since at least 2016 and presumably once part of the notorious Cobalt Gang,” Positive Technologies researchers Vladislav Lunin
Jun 21, 2024NewsroomMalware / Threat Intelligence A previously undocumented Chinese-speaking threat actor codenamed SneakyChef has been linked to an espionage campaign primarily targeting government entities across Asia and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) with SugarGh0st malware since at least August 2023. “SneakyChef uses lures that are scanned documents of government agencies, most of which
Jun 20, 2024NewsroomFirmware Security / Vulnerability Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a now-patched security flaw in Phoenix SecureCore UEFI firmware that affects multiple families of Intel Core desktop and mobile processors. Tracked as CVE-2024-0762 (CVSS score: 7.5), the “UEFIcanhazbufferoverflow” vulnerability has been described as a case of a buffer overflow stemming from the use
Jun 19, 2024NewsroomZero-Day Exploits / Cyber Espionage The China-nexus cyber espionage actor linked to the zero-day exploitation of security flaws in Fortinet, Ivanti, and VMware devices has been observed utilizing multiple persistence mechanisms in order to maintain unfettered access to compromised environments. “Persistence mechanisms encompassed network devices, hypervisors, and virtual machines, ensuring alternative channels remain
Jun 18, 2024NewsroomMalware / Cybercrime Threat actors are luring unsuspecting users with free or pirated versions of commercial software to deliver a malware loader called Hijack Loader, which then deploys an information stealer known as Vidar Stealer. “Adversaries had managed to trick users into downloading password-protected archive files containing trojanized copies of a Cisco Webex
Jun 17, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Vulnerability A suspected China-nexus cyber espionage actor has been attributed as behind a prolonged attack against an unnamed organization located in East Asia for a period of about three years, with the adversary establishing persistence using legacy F5 BIG-IP appliances and using it as an internal command-and-control (C&C) for defense
Jun 12, 2024NewsroomKubernetes / Endpoint Security Cybersecurity researchers have warned of an ongoing cryptojacking campaign targeting misconfigured Kubernetes clusters to mine Dero cryptocurrency. Cloud security firm Wiz, which shed light on the activity, said it’s an updated variant of a financially motivated operation that was first documented by CrowdStrike in March 2023. “In this incident,
Jun 10, 2024The Hacker NewsCybersecurity / Exposure Management Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to
Jun 08, 2024NewsroomArtificial Intelligence / Privacy Microsoft on Friday said it will disable its much-criticized artificial intelligence (AI)-powered Recall feature by default and make it an opt-in. Recall, currently in preview and coming exclusively to Copilot+ PCs on June 18, 2024, functions as an “explorable visual timeline” by capturing screenshots of what appears on users’
Jun 08, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Programming Details have emerged about a new critical security flaw impacting PHP that could be exploited to achieve remote code execution under certain circumstances. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4577, has been described as a CGI argument injection vulnerability affecting all versions of PHP installed on the Windows operating system. According to
Jun 07, 2024The Hacker NewsSoftware Supply Chain / Myrror Security Traditional SCAs Are Broken: Did You Know You Are Missing Critical Pieces? Application Security professionals face enormous challenges securing their software supply chains, racing against time to beat the attacker to the mark. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools have become a basic instrument in the
Jun 05, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence An unnamed high-profile government organization in Southeast Asia emerged as the target of a “complex, long-running” Chinese state-sponsored cyber espionage operation codenamed Crimson Palace. “The overall goal behind the campaign was to maintain access to the target network for cyberespionage in support of Chinese state interests,” Sophos researchers
Jun 04, 2024The Hacker NewsBrowser Security / Enterprise Security The landscape of browser security has undergone significant changes over the past decade. While Browser Isolation was once considered the gold standard for protecting against browser exploits and malware downloads, it has become increasingly inadequate and insecure in today’s SaaS-centric world. The limitations of Browser Isolation,
Jun 03, 2024NewsroomSoftware Security / Supply Chain Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new suspicious package uploaded to the npm package registry that’s designed to drop a remote access trojan (RAT) on compromised systems. The package in question is glup-debugger-log, which targets users of the gulp toolkit by masquerading as a “logger for gulp and gulp
May 31, 2024NewsroomNetwork Security / Cyber Attack More than 600,000 small office/home office (SOHO) routers are estimated to have been bricked and taken offline following a destructive cyber attack staged by unidentified cyber actors, disrupting users’ access to the internet. The mysterious event, which took place between October 25 and 27, 2023, and impacted a
Jun 01, 2024NewsroomAI-as-a-Service / Data Breach Artificial Intelligence (AI) company Hugging Face on Friday disclosed that it detected unauthorized access to its Spaces platform earlier this week. “We have suspicions that a subset of Spaces’ secrets could have been accessed without authorization,” it said in an advisory. Spaces offers a way for users to create,
May 31, 2024NewsroomThreat Detection / Endpoint Security Digital content is a double-edged sword, providing vast benefits while simultaneously posing significant threats to organizations across the globe. The sharing of digital content has increased significantly in recent years, mainly via email, digital documents, and chat. In turn, this has created an expansive attack surface and has
Security leaders are in a tricky position trying to discern how much new AI-driven cybersecurity tools could actually benefit a security operations center (SOC). The hype about generative AI is still everywhere, but security teams have to live in reality. They face constantly incoming alerts from endpoint security platforms, SIEM tools, and phishing emails reported
May 29, 2024NewsroomCybercrime / Cybersecurity The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) has sentenced a 31-year-old man to 10 years in prison for laundering more than $4.5 million through business email compromise (BEC) schemes and romance scams. Malachi Mullings, 31, of Sandy Springs, Georgia pleaded guilty to the money laundering offenses in January 2023. According to
May 24, 2024NewsroomEndpoint Security / Threat Intelligence The MITRE Corporation has revealed that the cyber attack targeting the not-for-profit company towards late December 2023 by exploiting zero-day flaws in Ivanti Connect Secure (ICS) involved the actor creating rogue virtual machines (VMs) within its VMware environment. “The adversary created their own rogue VMs within the VMware