
Researchers discovered a private Telegram channel-based backdoor in the information stealing malware, dubbed Prynt Stealer, which its developer added with the intention of secretly stealing a copy of victims’ exfiltrated data when used by other cybercriminals. “While this untrustworthy behavior is nothing new in the world of cybercrime, the victims’ data end up in the
So far 2022 confirms that passwords are not dead yet. Neither will they be anytime soon. Even though Microsoft and Apple are championing passwordless authentication methods, most applications and websites will not remove this option for a very long time. Think about it, internal apps that you do not want to integrate with third-party identity
Five imposter extensions for the Google Chrome web browser masquerading as Netflix viewers and others have been found to track users’ browsing activity and profit of retail affiliate programs. “The extensions offer various functions such as enabling users to watch Netflix shows together, website coupons, and taking screenshots of a website,” McAfee researchers Oliver Devane
A Turkish-speaking entity called Nitrokod has been attributed to an active cryptocurrency mining campaign that involves impersonating a desktop application for Google Translate to infect over 111,000 victims in 11 countries since 2019. “The malicious tools can be used by anyone,” Maya Horowitz, vice president of research at Check Point, said in a statement shared
Iranian state-sponsored actors are leaving no stone unturned to exploit unpatched systems running Log4j to target Israeli entities, indicating the vulnerability’s long tail for remediation. Microsoft attributed the latest set of activities to the umbrella threat group tracked as MuddyWater (aka Cobalt Ulster, Mercury, Seedworm, or Static Kitten), which is linked to the Iranian intelligence
Password management service LastPass confirmed a security incident that resulted in the theft of certain source code and technical information. The security breach is said to have occurred two weeks ago, targeting its development environment. No customer data or encrypted passwords were accessed. “An unauthorized party gained access to portions of the LastPass development environment
Budget Android device models that are counterfeit versions associated with popular smartphone brands are harboring multiple trojans designed to target WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business messaging apps. The trojans, which Doctor Web first came across in July 2022, were discovered in the system partition of at least four different smartphones: P48pro, radmi note 8, Note30u, and
The Donot Team threat actor has updated its Jaca Windows malware toolkit with improved capabilities, including a revamped stealer module designed to plunder information from Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. The improvements also include a new infection chain that incorporates previously undocumented components to the modular framework, Morphisec researchers Hido Cohen and Arnold Osipov
A .NET-based evasive crypter named DarkTortilla has been used by threat actors to distribute a broad array of commodity malware as well as targeted payloads like Cobalt Strike and Metasploit, likely since 2015. “It can also deliver ‘add-on packages’ such as additional malicious payloads, benign decoy documents, and executables,” cybersecurity firm Secureworks said in a
In a sign that malicious actors continue to find ways to work around Google Play Store security protections, researchers have spotted a previously undocumented Android dropper trojan that’s currently in development. “This new malware tries to abuse devices using a novel technique, not seen before in Android malware, to spread the extremely dangerous Xenomorph banking
A group of researchers has revealed details of a new vulnerability affecting Intel CPUs that enables attackers to obtain encryption keys and other secret information from the processors. Dubbed ÆPIC Leak, the weakness is the first-of-its-kind to architecturally disclose sensitive data in a manner that’s akin to an “uninitialized memory read in the CPU itself.”
Dutch authorities on Friday announced the arrest of a software developer in Amsterdam who is alleged to be working for Tornado Cash, days after the U.S. sanctioned the decentralized crypto mixing service. The 29-year-old individual is “suspected of involvement in concealing criminal financial flows and facilitating money laundering” through the service, the Dutch Fiscal Information
The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday placed sanctions against crypto mixing service Tornado Cash, citing its use by the North Korea-backed Lazarus Group in the high-profile hacks of Ethereum bridges to launder and cash out the ill-gotten money. Tornado Cash, which allows users to move cryptocurrency assets between accounts by obfuscating their origin and destination,
A new botnet named Orchard has been observed using Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s account transaction information to generate domain names to conceal its command-and-control (C2) infrastructure. “Because of the uncertainty of Bitcoin transactions, this technique is more unpredictable than using the common time-generated [domain generation algorithms], and thus more difficult to defend against,” researchers from