Summary The ShadowPad advanced modular remote access trojan (RAT) has been deployed by the Chinese government-sponsored BRONZE ATLAS threat group since at least 2017. A growing list of other Chinese threat groups have deployed it globally since 2019 in attacks against organizations in various industry verticals. Secureworks® Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU) analysis of ShadowPad samples
Spain’s National Police Agency, the Policía Nacional, said last week it dismantled an unnamed cybercriminal organization and arrested eight individuals in connection with a series of SIM swapping attacks that were carried out with the goal of financial fraud. The suspects of the crime ring masqueraded as trustworthy representatives of banks and other organizations and
Security researchers at Website Planet have discovered an unsecured Amazon S3 bucket containing the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) of millions of people. Inside the bucket were ten folders, containing around 6,000 files and totaling over 1GB of data. While most (approximately 99%) of the data belongs to American residents, some information relates to people living in Canada. 
A leader of the hacking group Team-Xecuter has been sentenced to prison for participating in a piracy conspiracy against multiple gaming companies.  Canadian national Gary Bowser, who is also known as GaryOPA, was arrested in the Dominican Republic in September 2020 on suspicion of creating and selling illegal software and devices that enabled users to play pirated
Nearly half of emails destined for inboxes in 2021 were classed as spam, with Russia the biggest culprit, according to Kaspersky. In its new Spam and Phishing in 2021 report, the Russian AV company revealed that it detected spam rates at an average of 46% over the year, peaking at 48% in June. Most of it came from
A previously unknown hacking group has been linked to targeted attacks against human rights activists, human rights defenders, academics, and lawyers across India in an attempt to plant “incriminating digital evidence.” Cybersecurity firm SentinelOne attributed the intrusions to a group it tracks as “ModifiedElephant,” an elusive threat actor that’s been operational since at least 2012,
The evolution of cyber-threats and the confluence of new systems and legacy systems are the most significant current challenges for security teams, according to a panel of CISOs speaking during a virtual event organized by HP Wolf Security. Moderated by Ed Amoroso, chief executive officer of TAG Cyber LLC, the session began with a simple question to
A view of the T3 2021 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts While 2020 was the year of supply-chain attacks (and, yes, the start of the global COVID-19 crisis), 2021 was defined by shockingly severe vulnerabilities (…and by vaccines). The year started with
Cybersecurity authorities from Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. have published a joint advisory warning of an increase in sophisticated, high-impact ransomware attacks targeting critical infrastructure organizations across the world in 2021. The incidents singled out a broad range of sectors, including defense, emergency services, agriculture, government facilities, IT, healthcare, financial services, education, energy, charities,
The UK’s Foreign Office was the target of “a serious cybersecurity incident,” according to a document accidentally published on a government website. The BBC reported that the tender document revealed that unidentified hackers infiltrated Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) systems, but were detected. It added that cybersecurity company BAE Systems Applied Intelligence was called
No more turning a blind eye to algorithmic bias and discrimination if US lawmakers get their way For years, tech has claimed that AI decisions are very hard to explain, but still pretty darn good. If US lawmakers get their way, that will have to change. Citing potential for fraud and techno-fiddling to get the
The UK government has unveiled plans to strengthen its Online Safety Bill, which includes the creation of new criminal offenses. The legislation, first drafted in May 2021, will place new obligations on social media sites and other services hosting user-generated content or allowing people to talk to others online to remove and limit the spread of illegal