Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Baxter’s internet-connected infusion pumps used by healthcare professionals in clinical environments to dispense medication to patients. “Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could result in access to sensitive data and alteration of system configuration,” the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a coordinated advisory. Infusion pumps
A persistent cyber–attack campaign has emerged targeting major financial institutions in French–speaking African countries and has been active over the last two years. The campaign was discovered by Check Point Research (CPR) and dubbed ‘DangerousSavanna.’ It relied on spear phishing techniques to initiate infection chains. The threat actors reportedly sent malicious attachment emails in French
Former members of the Conti cybercrime cartel have been implicated in five different campaigns targeting Ukraine from April to August 2022. The findings, which come from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG), builds upon a prior report published in July 2022, detailing the continued cyber activity aimed at the Eastern European nation amid the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian
Over half (52%) of global organizations know a partner that has been compromised by ransomware, yet few are doing anything to improve the security of their supply chain, according to Trend Micro. The security vendor polled nearly 3000 IT decision makers across 26 countries to produce its latest report, Everything is connected: Uncovering the ransomware
Focused mostly on Asia, this new cyberespionage group uses undocumented tools, including steganographically extracting PowerShell payloads from PNG files ESET researchers recently found targeted attacks that used undocumented tools against various high-profile companies and local governments mostly in Asia. These attacks were conducted by a previously unknown espionage group that we have named Worok and
Cybersecurity researchers have offered insight into a previously undocumented software control panel used by a financially motivated threat group known as TA505. “The group frequently changes its malware attack strategies in response to global cybercrime trends,” Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFT said in a report shared with The Hacker News. “It opportunistically adopts new technologies in
Various law enforcement agencies in Southern California and North Carolina have deployed an obscure cellphone tracking tool dubbed ‘Fog Reveal,’ sometimes without search warrants, a new investigation by the Associated Press (AP) has revealed. The tool gave police offers the ability to search billions of records from 250 million mobile devices and harness the ensuing data
Researchers discovered a private Telegram channel-based backdoor in the information stealing malware, dubbed Prynt Stealer, which its developer added with the intention of secretly stealing a copy of victims’ exfiltrated data when used by other cybercriminals. “While this untrustworthy behavior is nothing new in the world of cybercrime, the victims’ data end up in the
So far 2022 confirms that passwords are not dead yet. Neither will they be anytime soon. Even though Microsoft and Apple are championing passwordless authentication methods, most applications and websites will not remove this option for a very long time. Think about it, internal apps that you do not want to integrate with third-party identity
A new hacking campaign is exploiting the notorious deep field image taken from the James Webb telescope alongside obfuscated Go programming language payloads to infect systems. The malware was spotted by the Securonix Threat research team, who is tracking the campaign as GO#WEBBFUSCATOR. “Initial infection begins with a phishing email containing a Microsoft Office attachment,”
Five imposter extensions for the Google Chrome web browser masquerading as Netflix viewers and others have been found to track users’ browsing activity and profit of retail affiliate programs. “The extensions offer various functions such as enabling users to watch Netflix shows together, website coupons, and taking screenshots of a website,” McAfee researchers Oliver Devane