More and more social platforms are coming up with safer ways for younger kids to access their apps. The most recent announcement comes from Facebook who is reportedly creating a version of Instagram for kids 13 and under. It’s a family safety win to see so many companies (YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook have parental control channels) making changes. That’s because
Budget Android device models that are counterfeit versions associated with popular smartphone brands are harboring multiple trojans designed to target WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business messaging apps. The trojans, which Doctor Web first came across in July 2022, were discovered in the system partition of at least four different smartphones: P48pro, radmi note 8, Note30u, and
Apple has released updates to fix security flaws across iPhone, iPad and Mac devices, after admitting the vulnerabilities may have been “actively exploited” by threat actors. The vulnerability reportedly gave hackers the ability to infiltrate WebKit, the engine that powers the Apple web browser Safari. Once gained the initial foothold, threat actors could then take control
Trojanized crypto-currency miners, also known as cryptojackers, continue to spread across computers around the world, while also becoming stealthier and increasingly avoiding detection. The data comes from Microsoft’s 365 Defender Research Team, who published a new analysis of cryptojackers on Thursday on its blog. “In the past several months, Microsoft Defender Antivirus detected cryptojackers on
Zero-day vulnerabilities are super active and Google and Apple are acting to patch these vulnerabilities, some of which seen on-the-wild. Google and Apple are both release patches for zero-day vulnerabilities that have already been exploited in the wild. ESET cybersecurity expert Tony Anscombe explains what those vulnerabilities are in simpler words, and reiterate the importance
Many people opt for encrypted messaging services because they like the additional layers of privacy they offer. They allow users to message their closest friends, family, and business partners without worrying about a stranger digitally eavesdropping on their conversation. The same people who message over encrypted services and apps are likely also diligent with securing
The Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known as APT41 (or Barium, Bronze Atlas, Double Dragon and Wicked Panda) has targeted at least 13 organizations across the US, Taiwan, India, Vietnam and China as part of four different campaigns in 2021. The news comes from Group-IB Security researchers, who published an advisory detailing APT41 activities from
The Donot Team threat actor has updated its Jaca Windows malware toolkit with improved capabilities, including a revamped stealer module designed to plunder information from Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. The improvements also include a new infection chain that incorporates previously undocumented components to the modular framework, Morphisec researchers Hido Cohen and Arnold Osipov
Threat actors associated with BazarLoader, TrickBot and IcedID malware are now increasingly deploying the loader known as Bumblebee to breach target networks and subsequently conduct post-exploitation activities. The news comes from the Cybereason Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) team, who published a new advisory about Bumblebee on Thursday. “[We] observed threat actors transitioning from BazarLoader, Trickbot,
A .NET-based evasive crypter named DarkTortilla has been used by threat actors to distribute a broad array of commodity malware as well as targeted payloads like Cobalt Strike and Metasploit, likely since 2015. “It can also deliver ‘add-on packages’ such as additional malicious payloads, benign decoy documents, and executables,” cybersecurity firm Secureworks said in a
We’ve all heard about the Metaverse. And there’s no doubt it has certainly captured the attention of the world’s biggest companies: Facebook has changed its name to Meta, Hyundai has partnered up with Roblox to offer virtual test drives, Nike has bought a virtual shoe company and Coca-Cola is selling NFT’s there too. (Non-Fungible Tokens
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a new advisory warning of threat actors actively exploiting five different vulnerabilities in the Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS). The document was compiled in collaboration with the Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) and explains how threat actors may be targeting unpatched ZCS instances in both
Summary DarkTortilla is a complex and highly configurable .NET-based crypter that has possibly been active since at least August 2015. It typically delivers popular information stealers and remote access trojans (RATs) such as AgentTesla, AsyncRat, NanoCore, and RedLine. While it appears to primarily deliver commodity malware, Secureworks® Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU) researchers identified DarkTortilla samples
In a sign that malicious actors continue to find ways to work around Google Play Store security protections, researchers have spotted a previously undocumented Android dropper trojan that’s currently in development. “This new malware tries to abuse devices using a novel technique, not seen before in Android malware, to spread the extremely dangerous Xenomorph banking