Cyber criminals and hacktivist groups are increasingly using the Telegram messaging app for their activities, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict enters its eighth day. A new analysis by Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point Research has found that “user volume grew a hundred folds daily on Telegram related groups, peaking at 200,000 per group.” Prominent among the
by Paul Ducklin Just over a year ago, graphics card behemoth Nvidia announced an unexpected software “feature”: anti-cryptomining code baked into the drivers for its latest graphics processing units (GPUs). Simply put, if the driver software thinks you’re using the GPU to perform calculations related to Ethereum cryptocurrency calculations, it cuts the execution speed of
Details of a new nation-state sponsored phishing campaign have been uncovered setting its sights on European governmental entities in what’s seen as an attempt to obtain intelligence on refugee and supply movement in the region. Enterprise security company Proofpoint, which detected the malicious emails for the first time on February 24, 2022, dubbed the social
You may hear corporate cybersecurity experts hail the benefits of a VPN, or a virtual private network, to keep company information safe from ransomware attacks and cybercriminals seeking to steal valuable business secrets. I you may be puzzled about how a VPN can help someone like you be safer online. Luckily, with a VPN being
The extensive use of cyber and information operations in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict was highlighted by threat intelligence experts during a virtual session organized by Recorded Future. Opening the session, Christopher Ahlberg, co-founder and CEO of Recorded Future, explained that the Russian invasion of Ukraine represents a new type of warfare, which has been “converted into
ESET researchers uncover a new wiper that attacks Ukrainian organizations and a worm component that spreads HermeticWiper in local networks As the recent hostilities started between Russia and Ukraine, ESET researchers discovered several malware families targeting Ukrainian organizations. On February 23rd, 2022, a destructive campaign using HermeticWiper targeted multiple Ukrainian organizations. This cyberattack preceded, by
Seems like the internet follows us wherever we go nowadays, whether it tags along via a smartphone, laptop, tablet, a wearable, or some combination of them all. Yet there’s something else that follows us around as well—our PII, a growing body of “personally identifiable information” that we create while banking, shopping, and simply browsing the
A notorious ransomware outfit has been given a taste of its own medicine after a vast trove of internal chat data was leaked by a Ukrainian researcher. The leaks were posted online yesterday with rough Google Translate versions of the text in English here. They amount to tens of thousands of messages taken from Conti’s
A group of academics from Tel Aviv University have disclosed details of now-patched “severe” design flaws affecting about 100 million Android-based Samsung smartphones that could have resulted in the extraction of secret cryptographic keys. The shortcomings are the result of an analysis of the cryptographic design and implementation of Android’s hardware-backed Keystore in Samsung’s Galaxy
Authored by Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole   Notifications on Chrome and Edge, both desktop browsers, are commonplace, and malicious actors are increasingly abusing this feature. McAfee previously blogged about how to change desktop browser settings to stop malicious notifications. This blog focuses on Chrome notifications on Android mobile devices such as phones and tablets, and
Cops in Florida have arrested 10 men in a sting operation to catch online child sexual predators.  Operation Peek-a-Boo was conducted over a two-week period by 16 investigators with the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit at the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO). OCSO said the 10 suspects believed they were chatting with minors online when they were
Ukraine’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) has warned of Belarusian state-sponsored hackers targeting its military personnel and related individuals as part of a phishing campaign mounted amidst Russia’s military invasion of the country. “Mass phishing emails have recently been observed targeting private ‘i.ua’ and ‘meta.ua’ accounts of Ukrainian military personnel and related individuals,” the CERT-UA
The Ukrainian government is reportedly seeking volunteer hackers and security experts to help Ukraine defend its critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks.  According to a report by Reuters, Ukraine’s pleas for assistance started appearing on Ukrainian hacking forums on Thursday morning, shortly after the county was invaded on three fronts by Russian armed forces in an attack condemned by US President
A new malware capable of controlling social media accounts is being distributed through Microsoft’s official app store in the form of trojanized gaming apps, infecting more than 5,000 Windows machines in Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, Bermuda, and Spain. Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point dubbed the malware “Electron Bot,” in reference to a command-and-control (C2) domain used
Hacktivist group Anonymous has declared “cyber war” against Vladimir Putin’s government following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The well-known international hacking collective made the announcement on its Twitter account on Thursday, shortly after the Kremlin commenced military action. The message read: “The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the Russian government. #Anonymous #Ukraine.” Shortly after,