Dec 22, 2022Ravie LakshmananPassword Management / Online Security Multiple high-severity vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Passwordstate password management solution that could be exploited by an unauthenticated remote adversary to obtain a user’s plaintext passwords. “Successful exploitation allows an unauthenticated attacker to exfiltrate passwords from an instance, overwrite all stored passwords within the database, or elevate
The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has called for a defense-in-depth approach to help mitigate the impact of phishing, combining technical controls with a strong reporting culture. Writing in the agency’s blog, technical director and principal architect, “Dave C,” argued that many of the well-established tenets of anti-phishing advice simply don’t work. For example,
by Paul Ducklin When we woke up this morning, our cybersecurity infofeed was awash with “news” that Apple had just patched a security hole variously described a “gnarly bug”, a “critical flaw” that could leave your Macs “defenceless”, and the “Achilles’ heel of macOS”. Given that we usually check our various security bulletin mailing lists
The smarts behind a smart home come from you. At least when it comes to keeping it more private and secure.  Without question, smart home devices have truly stormed the marketplace. We’ve gone from a handful of relatively straightforward things like connected lights, outlets, and cameras to a wide range of fully connected household appliances
The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has taken the unusual step of publishing details of personal data breaches, complaints and civil investigations on its website, according to legal experts. The data, available from Q4 2021 onwards, includes the organization’s name and sector, the relevant legislation and the type of issues involved, the date of completion
Analysis of 600 apps on the Google Play store by CloudSEK’s BeVigil security search engine found that 50% were leaking application programming interface (API) keys of three popular transactional and marketing email service providers. The providers included Mailgun, MailChimp and SendGrid. CloudSEK has notified all involved entities and affected apps about the hardcoded API keys.
Dec 19, 2022Ravie LakshmananData Security / Endpoint Security A Rust variant of a ransomware strain known as Agenda has been observed in the wild, making it the latest malware to adopt the cross-platform programming language after BlackCat, Hive, Luna, and RansomExx. Agenda, attributed to an operator named Qilin, is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) group that has
The time has come for your child to receive their first smartphone. Before handing it over, however, make sure to help them use their new gadget safely and responsibly. Choosing the right holiday gift(s) for your children can be nerve-racking, perhaps doubly so if you’re choosing it for your pre-teen. It’s at that age when
The group’s proprietary backdoor LODEINFO delivers additional malware, exfiltrates credentials, and steals documents and emails This week, the ESET research team published their findings about a spearphishing campaign that the Chinese-speaking threat actor MirrorFace launched in Japan and that mainly focused on members of a specific Japanese political party. The campaign – which ESET Research
by Paul Ducklin If you’re a regular Naked Security reader, you can probably guess where on the planet we’re headed in this virtual journey…. …we’re off once more to the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. Researchers in the department’s Cyber-Security Research Center regularly investigate security
Dec 17, 2022Ravie LakshmananServer Security / Network Security Samba has released software updates to remediate multiple vulnerabilities that, if successfully exploited, could allow an attacker to take control of affected systems. The high-severity flaws, tracked as CVE-2022-38023, CVE-2022-37966, CVE-2022-37967, and CVE-2022-45141, have been patched in versions 4.17.4, 4.16.8 and 4.15.13 released on December 15, 2022.
Two-thirds of cybersecurity professionals have suffered burnout over the past year as a result of work-related stress, according to a new survey from Promon. The Norwegian security vendor polled over 300 information security pros at this year’s Black Hat Europe expo in London to better understand the mental health of those working in the industry.
Dec 16, 2022Ravie LakshmananEncryption / Data Security The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency within the Department of Commerce, announced Thursday that it’s formally retiring the SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm. SHA-1, short for Secure Hash Algorithm 1, is a 27-year-old hash function used in cryptography and has since been deemed broken owing
Your phone is likely a daily companion, giving you access to work emails, chats with friends, weather reports, and more — all in the palm of your hand. You can also use your phone for browsing online, looking up everything from your favorite recipes to your most-read media webpages.  While being able to browse whenever
The US authorities have charged six people in connection with running DDoS-for-hire services which enabled attacks on millions of targets, according to the Department of Justice (DoJ). Four defendants were charged in Los Angeles in connection with running so-called “booter” services named: RoyalStresser.com (formerly known as Supremesecurityteam.com); SecurityTeam.io; Astrostress.com; and Booter.sx. An additional two people
ESET researchers discovered a spearphishing campaign targeting Japanese political entities a few weeks before the House of Councillors elections, and in the process uncovered a previously undescribed MirrorFace credential stealer ESET researchers discovered a spearphishing campaign, launched in the weeks leading up to the Japanese House of Councillors election in July 2022, by the APT
Dec 15, 2022Ravie LakshmananMobile Security / A previously undocumented Android malware campaign has been observed leveraging money-lending apps to blackmail victims into paying up with personal information stolen from their devices. Mobile security company Zimperium dubbed the activity MoneyMonger, pointing out the use of the cross-platform Flutter framework to develop the apps. MoneyMonger “takes advantage
Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of McAfee team members who have successfully grown their careers. Read more about Brenda’s McAfee’s journey, what a day in the McAfee sales team is like, and what her superpower is.​​​​​​​ Embracing opportunities When I started my professional career, I was in technology but one of the few women
Google has released a new free tool which it hopes will radically improve the security of code compiled from open source dependencies – a growing source of risk for organizations. OSV-Scanner is effectively the front-end to Google’s OSV (Open Source Vulnerability) database, which is designed to collect bug data from all the different open source