
A first-of-its-kind malware targeting Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Lambda serverless computing platform has been discovered in the wild. Dubbed “Denonia” after the name of the domain it communicates with, “the malware uses newer address resolution techniques for command and control traffic to evade typical detection measures and virtual network access controls,” Cado Labs researcher Matt
Communication is a vital skill for any leader at an organization, regardless of seniority. For security leaders, this goes double. Communicating clearly works on multiple levels. On the one hand, security leaders and CISOs must be able to communicate strategies clearly – instructions, incident response plans, and security policies. On the other, they must be
The notorious cybercrime group known as FIN7 has diversified its initial access vectors to incorporate software supply chain compromise and the use of stolen credentials, new research has revealed. “Data theft extortion or ransomware deployment following FIN7-attributed activity at multiple organizations, as well as technical overlaps, suggests that FIN7 actors have been associated with various
An Android spyware application has been spotted masquerading as a “Process Manager” service to stealthily siphon sensitive information stored in the infected devices. Interestingly, the app — that has the package name “” — establishes contact with a remote command-and-control server, 82.146.35[.]240, which has been previously identified as infrastructure belonging to the Russia-based hacking group
A 15-year-old security vulnerability has been disclosed in the PEAR PHP repository that could permit an attacker to carry out a supply chain attack, including obtaining unauthorized access to publish rogue packages and execute arbitrary code. “An attacker exploiting the first one could take over any developer account and publish malicious releases, while the second
The maintainers of Spring Framework have released an emergency patch to address a newly disclosed remote code execution flaw that, if successfully exploited, could allow an unauthenticated attacker to take control of a targeted system. Tracked as CVE-2022-22965, the high-severity flaw impacts Spring Framework versions 5.3.0 to 5.3.17, 5.2.0 to 5.2.19, and other older, unsupported
A nascent information stealer called Mars has been observed in campaigns that take advantage of cracked versions of the malware to steal information stored in web browsers and cryptocurrency wallets. “Mars Stealer is being distributed via social engineering techniques, malspam campaigns, malicious software cracks, and keygens,” Morphisec malware researcher Arnold Osipov said in a report
A new email phishing campaign has been spotted leveraging the tactic of conversation hijacking to deliver the IceID info-stealing malware onto infected machines by making use of unpatched and publicly-exposed Microsoft Exchange servers. “The emails use a social engineering technique of conversation hijacking (also known as thread hijacking),” Israeli company Intezer said in a report
The U.S. government on Thursday released a cybersecurity advisory outlining multiple intrusion campaigns conducted by state-sponsored Russian cyber actors from 2011 to 2018 that targeted the energy sector in the U.S. and beyond. “The [Federal Security Service] conducted a multi-stage campaign in which they gained remote access to U.S. and international Energy Sector networks, deployed
A novel phishing technique called browser-in-the-browser (BitB) attack can be exploited to simulate a browser window within the browser in order to spoof a legitimate domain, thereby making it possible to stage convincing phishing attacks. According to penetration tester and security researcher, who goes by the handle mrd0x_, the method takes advantage of third-party single
An analysis of two ransomware attacks has identified overlaps in the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) between BlackCat and BlackMatter, indicating a strong connection between the two groups. While it’s typical of ransomware groups to rebrand their operations in response to increased visibility into their attacks, BlackCat (aka Alphv) marks a new frontier in that
A financially motivated threat actor has been observed deploying a previously unknown rootkit targeting Oracle Solaris systems with the goal of compromising Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) switching networks and carrying out unauthorized cash withdrawals at different banks using fraudulent cards. Threat intelligence and incident response firm Mandiant is tracking the cluster under the moniker UNC2891,
In what’s yet another act of sabotage, the developer behind the popular “node-ipc” NPM package shipped a new version to protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, raising concerns about security in the open-source and the software supply chain. Affecting versions 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 of the library, the changes introduced undesirable behavior by its maintainer RIAEvangelist, targeting
Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in popular package managers that, if potentially exploited, could be abused to run arbitrary code and access sensitive information, including source code and access tokens, from compromised machines. It’s, however, worth noting that the flaws require the targeted developers to handle a malicious package in conjunction with one of
The Iranian state-sponsored threat actor known as MuddyWater has been attributed to a new swarm of attacks targeting Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula with the goal of deploying remote access trojans (RATs) on compromised systems. “The MuddyWater supergroup is highly motivated and can use unauthorized access to conduct espionage, intellectual property theft, and deploy ransomware
Threat actors have been observed abusing a high-impact reflection/amplification method to stage sustained distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks for up to 14 hours with a record-breaking amplification ratio of 4,294,967,296 to 1. The attack vector – dubbed TP240PhoneHome (CVE-2022-26143) – has been weaponized to launch significant DDoS attacks targeting broadband access ISPs, financial institutions, logistics companies,